Interviews With Stars Of The Fringe - More Added
is back in Edinburgh with a mullet and a message: don't be
needy, be succeedy! He's appearing as L. Vaughan Spencer, a
life coach, motivator and self-help guru. So if you're not
pushing the envelope quite as much as you'd like, get along to
his show at the Assembly Rooms.
1. What’s so great about you/your
show? Everyone is great and I aim to help everyone
realise how great they are. Yes, that does require me to be
even greater, but I am. I am a Succeeder and I want to help
everyone become Succeedy, even total losers.
Where’s it on & when? Don't Be Needy, Be Succeedy.
Assembly Rooms - Wildman Room 8pm. Aug 2 - 26
What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever heard - or
told? What's the funniest joke you've ever heard?
Sometimes, jokes can hurt people and that's not what I'm
about. Having said that, though I do remembering hearing a
very funny one about a tomato and an ironing-board but I've
forgotten the rest. It may have featured a librarian or a
budgie as well
4. What was your grubbiest Fringe
Experience? I have never been to the Fringe before. I
don't normally attend such gatherings of grubby young people.
I have just returned from the Whole Soul Fest in California.
Everyone was there to clean their souls, bodies and minds. I
managed to get in touch with my Inner Dolphin.
What will you be buying with the mountain of cash you’re going
to make from Edinburgh? The L. Vaughan Spencer
Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation which helps people
become succeeders. I do take a salary, however, so don't go
thinking I'm poor or anything.
6. What’s the best
heckle you’ve ever had? People rarely heckle at my
Self-Enhancement workshops because they are about delving deep
into oneself and looking at the higher things in life.
Besides, if they do heckle they are ejected, strip-searched
and prosecuted.
7. Do you have trouble adjusting to
reality after Edinburgh (or ever, for that
matter)? What is 'reality'? What is 'after'? What is
'trouble'? If questions were answers and answers were
questions, then how much more would we know the answers. I
8. What’s your favourite party
trick? At parties I like to dance - the Succeeder
Dance. It is based on the rain-dances and war-dances of
primitive societies. I learnt it from their shamen and
witchdoctors. In return I taught them how to play knockout
9. Does your Mum (or indeed any other family
member) think your job is cool? My Uncle Derek is a
great supporter. We went on an Uncle & Nephew Weekend in a
forest near Watford and bonded during various activities -
lemur-wrestling, Virtual Charades and Off-Ground Tig. He
taught me everything I know about being an entrepreneur. He
owns a sweet-shop in Guildford. He is a
10. Is there anything else we should
know? If only we tried to know less and feel more then
how happy we would be. Although it would be good if you knew
my website address http://www.thesucceeder.com/
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